Rental (bookings)


This example is about trailer rental. The page below is what customers might see, after making a few choices. Choices already made are always shown in a drop-down menu, and the choice to be made is always completely shown (in this case the time choice). There is only one "Small" trailer available, so the trailer choice is automatically skipped. Because customers pay in advance, this company has rarely any no-shows.

You can visit the fake advertisement on the upper right to see for yourself.

   rental scheduling: bookings

Act now

Sokati bestaat 10 jaar! Jaarlijks meéér dan 10.000 afspraken!


Here you can directly book a trailer online.

    Settings for during scheduling appointments or bookings:

  • which personal data to ask: none, address, telephone, insurance settings, etc.
  • show a textfield with notes or not (extentions are possible)
  • start time every 10/20/30/60 minutes with/without overlap
  • cancellation time (how long in advance, or how long after creating the appointment or booking)