Theater, venue, meeting room, events (reservations)


Below are the three pages of settings (timetables, services, availability). The timetable page (the first page) is very easy because there is only one location. The second services page shows all individual performances (each 150 places available), but you can also enter full days if you want each day available for booking. At the last page, the timetables and services are combined in time.

   reservation software: reservations

   reservation software: reservations

   reservation software: reservations

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Sokati bestaat 10 jaar! Jaarlijks meéér dan 10.000 afspraken!


Book your ticket online here for our weekly shows.

    Customer overview in your scheduling account:

  • overview of customers to give you a lot of insight
  • save notes for each customer
  • set a customer category (for customer-specific promotions)
  • export to Excel for direct mailing