Theater, venue, meeting room, events (reservations)


Use our scheduling software to make online reservations available for your theater, concert hall or festival. You can make each performance, each day, or several performances or days available for reservations. Use online payments in advance to pay the full price or a part of the price. To speed up the reservation, choose not to ask your customer for an entire address. Each reservation has a unique code which you can use to identify your customers on spot. Consult us for sending tickets, or for showing an up-to-date list of your events on your website as well.

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Sokati bestaat 10 jaar! Jaarlijks meéér dan 10.000 afspraken!


Book your ticket online here for our weekly shows.

    E-mail settings in our scheduling software:

  • e-mail when cancelling an appointment or booking
  • e-mail for each scheduling
  • concept text for confirmation e-mail, cancellation e-mail, reminder e-mail, other date e-mail
  • set an e-mail address for each personel member