Health and beauty care (appointments)


The following is the timetable overview page with a separate login for Dennis with his own e-mail address. This is easily defined by giving the e-mail address and the desired password. An employee who logs it can look at everything, but can not set working hours and holidays for colleagues. The biggest advantage is of course that all notification e-mails now go to his or her e-mail address.

   appointment scheduling: appointments

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Please go here if you want to book a massage online.

    General features for your schedule system:

  • pending appointments or bookings
  • reminders per e-mail, text message (SMS) or both, and how long in advance
  • specific services only for a group of customers (for promotions)
  • review question afterwards
  • online payments: the prices, and the percentage (100% or less)
  • maximum number of customers, number of customers per scheduling