Course and (driving) lesson (lessons)


Our scheduling software can easily be used for online subscriptions for courses and lessons, such as open universities and schools. You can set a customer category to distinguish between customers, for example intake lessons for new customers, or sequel courses for customers with a partial certificate. If you do not have a computer to check your latest subscriptions (like for driving lessons), you can choose to close the subscriptions on a specific time of the day.

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Sokati bestaat 10 jaar! Jaarlijks meéér dan 10.000 afspraken!


Take a look here to book a intake lesson online.

    E-mail settings in our scheduling software:

  • e-mail when cancelling an appointment or booking
  • e-mail for each scheduling
  • concept text for confirmation e-mail, cancellation e-mail, reminder e-mail, other date e-mail
  • set an e-mail address for each personel member